An auditor may not engage with or attract work from your customer resulting from the PIRB audit process. If you find that an auditor has done this, please inform PIRB immediately so that it may be investigated and if required, the necessary corrective action will […]
Certainly, yes. The Auditors themselves are also audited to ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency.
If a plumber does not complete the remedial action concerning the rectification notice or provide substantiated reasons as to why the rectification was not undertaken, disciplinary action will be taken against the plumber, which may lead to suspension of registration with the PIRB. To safeguard […]
The rectification must be corrected within five working days, however, if a request is made to the auditor with valid reason and/or proof, extensions can be provided.
A rectification notice is a notice that may be given by an auditor after an audit has taken place. The rectification notice will denote any particular findings of the relevant plumbing works. The notice may outline the failures and the rectifications required by yourself.
In the case of newly built installation undertaken by yourself, there should never be any non-compliance, and therefore no non-compliance notice should have to be issued. In the case where you are working on a pre-existing installation, the actual work undertaken by yourself must be […]
Your duty as a professional plumber is to notify the homeowner of non-compliance. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to rectify the non-compliance. If the homeowner wishes for you to quote on the rectifying of the non-compliance and make use of your services, you […]
First and foremost, all notifications of non-compliance are a requirement of both the Consumer Protection Act and the mandatory standards. Not issuing the notice means you are falling foul of the regulations and further you will be issued with a rectification notice by the PIRB. […]
The homeowner is responsible. Your responsibility as a professional plumber is to draw attention to the pre-existing non-compliance and the risk associated with it.
It is important for the Plumbing Industry Registration Board to support both the consumer and the plumber within the plumbing industry, to ensure a safe and healthy environment. The Consumer Protection Act ascertains for the promotion of a fair, accessible, and sustainable marketplace for consumer […]