
  • Why should I register with the PIRB?
    • Many people may claim to be plumbers but they are not competent or accredited properly which poses a risk to the consumer, the environment and the plumbing industry.
    • Registration with the PIRB affords you the opportunity to be recognized in the plumbing industry and by the consumers as qualified and competent because certain criteria would have had to be met before you are allowed to practice as a plumber.
  • What do I need to become a Licensed Plumber?
    Before you can register as a Licensed Plumber you must adhere to the following designation requirements must:
    • Must have completed and passed the relevant plumber trade test as specified in the Manpower training act section 28 or 13.
    • and/or have obtained a plumber qualification in terms of the Skills Development Act
    • Pass PIRB’s written board assessment in the 5 Core PIRB designation levels.
    • Must possess a Copy of the SANS Codes of Practice, Building Regulations and Local Water Bylaws documentation.
    • Obtain CPD points over the 12-month cycle within the CPD Rewards Program
    • Re-register every 12 months.
  • What do I need to become a Learner Plumber?
    Before you can register as a Learner Plumber you must adhere to the following designation requirements must:
    • The Learner candidate must be at least 18 years of age and not more than 35 years of age
    • The Learner candidate must have successfully attended and passed the PIRB’s applicable Induction programme
    • The Learner candidate must provide details of the Licensed/Qualified Plumber under whose supervision and/or mentorship he/she will be doing their plumber training
    • The Learner candidate must provide a training/apprenticeship contract or confirmation letter from the applicable training provider
    • The Learner candidate will not be allowed to hold a Learner Designation for more than 4 registration cycles i.e. 48 months
    • All Learner candidates must obtain CPD points over their respective 12-month registration cycle within the CPD Rewards Program
    • The Learner candidate will be required to re-register every 12 months and pay the prescribed fee
    *T’s and C’s Apply*
  • Where can I get a Copy of the SANS Codes of Practice, Building Regulations and Local Water Bylaws documentation?
    Copy of the SANS regulations can be obtained from South Africa Bureau of Standards (SABS) and or the Institute of Plumbing of South Africa (IOPSA).
  • What is the Plumber's Code of Conduct?
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to conduct themselves and their business in a professional manner which shall be seen by those they serve as being honourable, transparent and fair.
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to proactively perform, work and act to promote plumbing practices that protect the health and safety of the community and the integrity of the water supply and wastewater systems.
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to promote, protect and encourage the upliftment and advancement of the skills development and training in terms of the National Skills ACT. for themselves and individuals in the plumbing sector or wishing to join the plumbing industry. PIRB registered plumbers agree to monitor and enforce compliance with technical standards of plumbing work that comply with all requirements of the relevant SANS codes of practice and regulations set out in the compulsory National Standards of the Water Service Act 1997 Amended (8th June 2001) as well as relevant local municipal bylaws.
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to actively promote and support a consistent and effective regulatory plumbing environment throughout South Africa.
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to regularly consult and liaise with the plumbing industry in an open forum free of any political or commercial agenda for the discussion of matters affecting the plumbing industry and the role of plumbing for the well-being of the community and the integrity of the water supply and wastewater systems.
    • PIRB registered plumbers agree to promote, monitor and maintain expertise and competencies among our registered and non-registered plumbing professionals.
    • PIRB registered Licensed plumbers agree to issue a PIRB Plumbing Certificate of Compliance (COC) on all plumbing works undertaken as a PIRB Licensed Plumber and shall further issue the COC in terms of the prescribe requirements for issuing of a PIRB Plumbing COC.
  • How do I register?
    To become a registered plumber with the PIRB, you must meet the stated requirements of PIRB. To register, fill and complete all the details necessary by following this link: Alternatively, the registration form can be found at or you can email
  • What is the cost of registration?
    To view registration costs, click HERE.
  • How long does the registration process take?
    If your application and paperwork are in order and subject to verification of your certificates it will take on average ten to 12 working days to become registered as a qualified plumber, learner or technical assistance or operating practitioner. Qualified Plumbers wishing to become Licensed and issue COC’s will still be required to write and pass the relevant PIRB assessments.
  • What is a licensed designation?
    A licensed plumber designation refers to a category or designation of registration with which the plumber can be registered with the PIRB. Other designations include learner, assistant practitioner, operating practitioner, qualified plumber, and Master Plumbers. The importance of registering as a licensed plumber allows you to issue the PIRB certificate of compliance.
  • Why should I register with the PIRB?
    If you are serious about your profession and you want to be recognised as a professional, it is in your best interest to do so. Further to this: In terms of the SAQA Professional Body requirements: A professional designation indicates registration of the individual with a professional body, and where relevant, the right to practice in the particular field of expertise governed by the professional body. For all plumbing works completed, plumbers are required to issue a PIRB plumbing certificate of compliance. Only PIRB Licensed Plumbers can issue these certificates.
  • What is the difference between a registered and licensed plumber designation?
    While both designations require that a plumber must be qualified, the licensed plumber designation allows the plumber to issue the PIRB certificate of compliance.
  • Why is the PIRB assessing me, I am qualified?
    The assessment allows the PIRB to ascertain your knowledge and understanding of the respective plumbing South African National Standards and regulations. Once you have passed the assessment you will be allowed to issue the PIRB certificate of compliance. The PIRB reserves the right to call you up for an assessment at any time if it feels that you do not have the necessary knowledge and understanding of the respective plumbing South African National Standards and regulations.
  • What is the PIRB registration cycle?
    The PIRB registration cycle refers to the yearly cycle of registration with the PIRB. The registration cycle for each registered plumber is different as it will start on the month in which you registered with the PIRB. For example, if you registered in July your PIRB registration cycle will be from July to June the following year.
  • Can my registration date change?
    As an example, if your registration cycle is July to June and you renew two months late in August, your registration date will remain July to June and will not change to an August to July cycle.
  • What happens if I do not renew my registration?
    A plumber who does not re-register will become inactive with the PIRB until they renew their registration. Inactive licensed plumbers will not be able to obtain or issues the PIRB certificates of compliance. Late registration may also result in administration penalty fees being charged.
  • Why is there a late renewal administrative fee?
    Late renewals result in additional administrative work and costs. This allows for the PIRB to recover these costs.
  • Why must I pay an additional fee for a registration card?
    Previously the PIRB yearly registration fee included a physical card and the postage thereof. As a result of plumbers not wishing to have a physical card and rather just using the electronic card, the PIRB decided to remove this fee from the yearly registration fee. It is now the choice of the plumber if they would like a physical registration card and pay the associated cost thereof.
  • Why are my certificates and documents verified?
    Due to the high number of misrepresented certificates received by the PIRB, verification of certificates is required. This verification is done by a third party.
  • What is a specialisation such as solar or heat pump?
    A plumber can add to their personal development and expertise by specialising. To obtain a PIRB specialisation a plumber must undergo the necessary approved and accredited training and then undergo the relevant PIRB specialisation assessment.
  • How do I update my registration details?
    Updating of certain registrations details can be done directly on your PIRB online profile.
  • How do I renew my registration?
    Visit the PIRB’s website to download the renewal form (and send it to if your details have changed, otherwise please check your plumber’s profile to see your invoice. Alternatively, please email
  • How do I log into my online portal?
    Visit the PIRB’s website, click “Plumber Login” and enter your username (your email address) and password.
  • What must be notified on a non-compliance notice?
    All items of the plumbing works that do not comply with the plumbing installation must be written on the non-compliance notice. Further to this, the notice must be clear and understandable and detailed in such a way that the consumer is made aware of the risks about the items that are non-compliant.
  • Technical Assistant Practitioner designation
    Designation Requirements: The following designation requirements must be observed to hold and/or maintain a Technical Assistance Practitioner designation;
    • 3 Years proven practicing experience in the plumbing industry.
    • Obtain CPD points over the 12-month cycle within the CPD Rewards Program
    • Re-register every 12 months.
  • Master Plumber designation
    Designation Requirements: Any applicant for the Master Plumber Recognition program must meet the following requirements:
    • Must be a qualified and Licensed plumber in good standing with the PIRB
    • Must hold at least 2 PIRB specialization designations: For example, solar and heat pump;
    • Must have completed an appropriate Safety, Health & Environment (SHE) training course or can show the relevant SHE experience
    • Must submit a comprehensive CV that gives evidence and support that the above requirements have been met;
    • Must have paid the initial application Fee (See PIRB Rate Card);
    • Must have a minimum of 5 years* post plumbing qualification experience in both the maintenance and contracting fields of the plumbing industry;
    *Consideration may be given to applicants who have less than 5 years post qualification experience. The applicant will be required to have proof of at least 10 years of plumbing experience (maintenance and contracting) prior to them obtaining their qualifications. WHAT DOES THE PROGRAM ENTAIL? The PIRB Master Plumber Recognition Program (MPRP) is not a training program. The program is a recognition program of an individual’s previous learning and years of experience. This designation recognizes prior learning by the candidate in the 5 key areas identified by the PIRB as the areas that is a Master Plumber. This program requires participants to provide proof of competence, knowledge and understanding in these 5 key areas. The program will also guide a candidate in the direction if they need to upskill themselves in the respective areas. Should an applicant meet the entry requirements for this designation (see section B) above, the applicant will register on the program, which consist of the following two phases: Phase 1: During this phase of the program a candidate will be required to demonstrate their knowledge, skill, experience and competency in the 5 key areas of a Master Plumber. These include:
    • Business Management
    • Leadership & Ethics
    • Contract Management
    • Training & Mentoring
    • Applied Plumbing Principles
    Details of each area can be found on the PIRB website under Master plumber tab. Once the candidate has completed their online portfolio of evidence via the PIRB learner management system, their portfolio will be reviewed by a panel of subject matter experts. Upon successful completion of the board’s review, the candidate will move onto phase 2. Phase 2: This Phase is an evaluation and an interview by a panel of master plumbers. During this phase the candidate will be required to complete a thesis on a specific topic related to the plumbing or building industry. As part of the evaluation and interview process the candidate will be required to do a presentation on their topic. Candidates will be required to complete this final phase successfully before being awarded the Master Plumber designation and enter the Master Plumbers Guild. *A final evaluation fee will be levied on the applicant, at the time, as a part of this phase (See PIRB Rate Card)



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