
  • What does an Auditor's ID Card look like?
  • What happens if I disagree with an auditor?
    There may be a time that you may disagree with an auditor’s findings. You are welcome and encouraged to raise these concerns with the PIRB. This must be done by completing the disagreement with an audit form, however, you must submit the necessary evidence to substantiate your disagreement. The PIRB assures that unless it may be necessary, you will remain anonymous and will be protected throughout the investigation.
  • What happens if I feel that I was treated unfairly?
    There may come a time that you feel that you may have been treated unfairly during the audit process. You are welcome and encouraged to raise your concerns by placing your concerns in writing substantiating it with the necessary facts. The PIRB gives the undertaking that unless it may be necessary, you will remain anonymous and will be protected throughout the investigation.
  • What is a rectification notice?
    A rectification notice is a notice that may be given by an auditor after an audit has taken place. The rectification notice will denote any particular findings of the relevant plumbing works. The notice may outline the failures and the rectifications required by yourself.
  • If I receive a rectification notice, how long do I have to carry out the rectification?
    The rectification must be corrected within five working days, however, if a request is made to the auditor with valid reason and/or proof, extensions can be provided.
  • What will happen if I do not carry out the rectification?
    If a plumber does not complete the remedial action concerning the rectification notice or provide substantiated reasons as to why the rectification was not undertaken, disciplinary action will be taken against the plumber, which may lead to suspension of registration with the PIRB.  To safeguard the homeowner the PIRB may also need to provide the homeowner with the findings, and they may choose to take legal action against the plumber.
  • Are auditors audited?
    Certainly, yes. The Auditors themselves are also audited to ensure consistency, fairness, and transparency.
  • Can an auditor recommend or impose a specific product on me?
    No. An auditor may not differentiate between specific products and may not refer or impose any products onto you. If you find that an auditor has recommended or imposed a product on you, please inform PIRB immediately so that it may be investigated and if required the necessary corrective action will be taken.



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